Sunday, September 4, 2011

Memories' Battles

First off, you'll start to notice that my blogs take place either early in the morning, or late in the evening. I find I think more lucidly at these times. The former allows me to reflect on the hopes and aspirations, while the latter allows for reflection on the day's events. But enough of that.

Today was an interesting day. Domestic Duty Day, D3 if you will, always allow for time to just talk with mini me about what's going on. Let me tell you, talking with a Tweener is an interesting exercise. On one hand it is interesting to watch as he develops into the man you hope he will become, on the other, it is like doing gymnastics on a waterbed.  One minute he is asking about current events, the next minute he is asking about my past.

Allow me to provide a caveat. I have several degrees, in political science and history. Also in another life time, I studied engineering. I like to think I have a good memory, but when mini me asks about my past, I really, and I mean REALLY wish I had kept a journal. I mean seriously, had I know he would ask what I was doing at his exact age, I really would have kept a journal. I mean he sincerely asked what it was like to walk to school in the rain, the path I took, what it was like to wake up at 6AM for school, or who I had a crush on. Scary part is, he grabs my yearbooks from High School and starts asking. Side bar: seriously, did I look that goofy?

It is interesting as he asks these questions as it takes me back to the day. I remember each of them. Some  rather vividly, some in passing. I guess it shows man's duality as the ones I remember the most are the ones I had either the most animosity towards, or the greatest affection. The former still make me cringe while the latter still makes me smile.

On that note, I am so not ready for puberty! I hated it when I went through it, I don't want to imagine it with mini me going through it. It's a rough time as we learn who we are as a person, what we want out of life, and what we need to achieve that. It is my hope that mini me learns those lessons while also learning about concepts of honor, integrity and morality.

Which gets me back to memories' battles. First, I think as parents we attempt to shield our children from our own reality as much as possible: to not know the pains we went through, or go continue to experience.  I love mini me like no other person, but I really do not want him to know everything I have been through. Is this wrong? Perhaps. Selfish, most definitely. But he needs to be his own person.

On a happy note, the domestic god in me came out.  My kitchen is so clean, it actually may cause blindness and three loads of laundry are done! *happy dances* Oh wait, that means I have to iron all those shirts and pants for work. UGH! Oh well, such is the price of working for "Da Man!"

We ended up not making the Naan bread pizzas, we'll do that tomorrow. We just did some sandwiches for lunch and then had some pasta with a vegetable marinara and salad for dinner. We'll do the Naan bread pizza tomorrow with perhaps a quiche for breakfast. It's always fun to be in the kitchen with mini me. He gets so into the cooking, not so much the cleaning as he goes, but hey, baby steps, ya know?

Here's hoping your tomorrow brings you lots of laughs and smiles from those closest to you.


  1. Can so relate to this. Sometimes I wish I had more of my childhood to share with my girls, but I blocked most of it out. I had a diary when I was 13, but I have no idea where it is and I think my mom read it. Lol. Def not looking forward to puberty with 2 girls. Scary thought and even scarier reality. I may need therapy just to cope with it all. Lol

  2. Good luck with two girls. Glad it is a son I am doing this alone with.

    As for coping, raise them with respect for others, and respect for themselves and you will do wonderfully
