Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday Freakout

Ok! I know. Yesterday was a rant, and nothing more. But it was a much needed rant, so get over it. Somethings are going on that are farcical to say the least. Actually, it is starting to remind me of theater of the absurd, something akin to "Rosencrantz and Gildenstern are Dead" or "Waiting for Godot". Let's say say people seeking attention, be it good, bad or indifferent is sad to watch. Body language says quite a bit...but enough of that.

Fridays are always fun for me. Mini me wakes up early and we normally head to a local establishment and sit down and have breakfast before he goes to school and I trudge off to the monotony of work. Sadly that is the highlight of my day. Well that is until I get home and get to see him again.

This evening when I got home, I decided I needed a break so we went out. Some of the things we did were rather mundane, grocery shopping and we grabbed some dinner. But first, clothes shopping for mini me. Now I jokingly tell people I am glad I am raising a son alone, for if he were a she, I would definitely see a convent in her future.

But I find as he gets older, he is just as finicky, just as picky as I imagine a daughter would be. Wait, strike that, I remember how picky the youngest of my sisters was, so perhaps not as finicky...but close.  I am not going to sit here and say he has to have the latest fad, the most expensive name brand, or the stuff that will make him look cool. He just wants his clothes to fit him in a well manner.

Well any who, while shopping and talking it comes out a girl said he was "buff". And now he seems REALLY animated about attending a school dance next week. I think he needs to give me lessons as his social calendar far exceeds mine.

Did I mention I am not ready for puberty? Guess I need to start investing in a good hair dye.
all kidding aside, I am neither that superficial, nor that materialistic that I would seek to alter my looks, or change what I shop for in regards to myself or my son.  I dress impeccably for work and then bum when not at work, and I let him pick his own fashion sense.

I think a lot of people I have come across lately could take some lessons from him

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